PACT provides comprehensive, integrated rehabilitation treatment and support services to those individuals who are most challenged with their serious mental illness. PACT believes that people who have serious mental illness can live successful and satisfying lives in the community when flexible services and supports are provided.
[ click here for more details from the Essex County PACT page ]
RIST is an intensive residential support program designed to address the needs of individuals who may require intensive but varying degrees of residential support in the transition from hospital to community living. Bridgeway's RIST programs are comprehensive, flexible, mobile teams skilled in state of the art interventions that provides person centered recovery and wellness services to people re-entering the community from a psychiatric hospital. RIST, as a housing model, supports individuals' use of other community mental health treatment, employment and rehabilitation services, as appropriate.
[ click here for more details from the Essex County RIST page ]
Bridgeway's LEARN of Central NJ, a supported education (SEd), program is a mobile outreach service aimed to assist people with psychiatric disabilities to reach their post-secondary academic goals. Services are individualized and flexible based on student choice, self-determination, and career goals. This program will assist in developing the capacity of colleges as well as mental health services to encourage and support people with psychiatric disabilities to pursue the role of college student. Help people access and complete their post-secondary education.
[ click here for more details from the Essex County Supportive Housing page ]